Saturday, December 18, 2010

In the Bahamas

The Boatel is now in the Bahamas however I am in New Brunswick for my dad's funeral. I will be adding more pictures and blog stories once I get back to the Bahamas.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Enjoying North Palm Beach and Lake Park, Florida

I had just settled down for a long winter's nap, when out on the deck there arose such a clatter, with bang and smashing on the side of boat, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.Away to the port hole I flew like a flash, I tore open the curtain and threw up the sash. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear ....oops wrong story.  Fish were jumping and splashing everywhere. I thought at first that Ted had fallen overboard and was swimming around the boat.The same thing happened this morning. We managed to track the down the story from Ken the Dockmaster at the marina. Large fish know as Jacks come into the marina and case the smaller tarpon fish. The herd them and bang them against the docks and the hulls of boats.They splashed so much that the docks were all wet. It's a very strange thing. Those that don't get eaten get all banged up. It's very difficult to explain and hard to believe unless you see it with your own eyes.

The other wonderful thing yesterday was the Boat Parade of Lights. It started with the barge letting off fireworks at the head of the parade followed by 50 or 60 boats all lit up with Christmas lights. I was hoping that the parade would get me in the Christmas spirit but I am afraid that palm trees and warm weather just doesn't seem to get me in the Christmas mood. Although the stores are playing "Frosty the snowman" and all the traditional songs.

Yesterday we had dinner with old friends (there not really that old) who we met in the Bahamas in 2005 & 06. What a great time catching up and sharing stories. We arrived here at the marina a week ago today and have enjoyed a week of dock life but now is time to return to anchor in Lake Worth and await a window to cross. The weather still remain North and Northwest which as I have told you before is a no-no when crossing the Gulf Stream. Hopefully my next post will be from the Bahamas.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My new Manatee friends

I spot a manatee off the bow of our boat

Then her baby comes up to see what's going on.

As I sit on the side of the dock the baby comes to check me out.
And say hello.

At dock in North Palm Beach, FL

Welcome back. We have been at dock for 3 nights now and we are starting to get use to this dock life again. I found a dentist down the street (another boater too) who was able to do the crown for my root canal this week. So more drilling and filling and temporary crown yesterday with the final crown on Friday- will this ever end? We finished provisioning for the winter, so now all that is left is to get the water maker working and the tune-up that our diesel mechanic is doing. We should be ready by Saturday and then we will watch the weather reports and wait for the next weather window to cross to the Bahamas. We do not cross when there is any North component in the winds which creates large waves against the Gulf Stream. Meanwhile we get to enjoy life in Flordia. On Saturday we will watch the Christmas Parade of Lights in the harbour. It really doesn't feel like Christmas especially with 27 degree weather!

Temperature have been unseasonable warm here in North Palm Beach. Yesterday was 82 degrees but this afternoon it cooled down after a front blew threw this after. It really is a beautiful area with all the palm, banyan vine trees and flowers. I could see myself living here and giving up winter forever. This morning we went for a bike ride to West Marine to pick up a few things and stopped at IHOP for breakfast. IHOP is an annual tradition and the place where I got alot of my inspiration for the Boatel breakfasts. This morning I had grilled banana bread covered in caramel sauce, whipped cream and bananas..oooooohhhhh.  There are somethings American which I love and other things that make us ponder. For example:
  •  In Florida they have "Speed Humps" instead of our "Speed Bumps"
  • I saw someone in a winter coat and hat at the store tonight and the stores are full of winter boats, coats and winter hats...hmmmmmmmmmm they should visit northern Ontario now that's cold.
  • You can buy beer and wine in grocery stores but not before 11:00 on Sundays
Today I saw with my feet in the water and watched a baby manatee and her mom swim around our dock. I was tempted to jump in and play with the baby. I will post pictures later.