Wednesday, March 30, 2011

To the Bat Cave Robin

March 11, 2011
We had rain in the morning for about an hour and a half which did a good job rinsing the salt off the boat. After the rain we headed to town to pick up some fuel and straw baskets as gifts. I go back to the post office to mail another post card. As I mentioned before the post office is always in the government office which is always pink so it is easy to find the post office.  
          Pink government office and post office

After lunch we walked south of town to the second church and find the entrance to another pond and the path leading to the cave. Someone had installed a new ladder to get down into the entrance of the caves. I also have to explain that these caves are actually very impressive underground rooms. We wonder in amazement from one room to another.
Ladder down to the cave

Look at how small I am in relation to the ceiling height
We were told by the other cruisers at Rose’s that the trip to the cave is worthwhile and that there are no bats but I still keep a watchful eye and I am pleased to report no bats!
Inside the cave. I am in the middle of the picture. Those are Banyan vines growing (up or down) from the huge Banyan tree over head.
On the way back to the boat we notice a few new homes with waterfront view that are rental cottages. They look out of place beside the older stone houses with missing roofs. It seems odd to us that there are so many stone building that are abandoned that seem to have solid foundation walls and yet people build new homes from the ground up. Maybe it is unlucky to restore a house that has been damaged by a hurricane?
We didn't see a lot of new building expect for a very few new rental proporties such as the one below. There were pineapples on the gates and on the fence across the street too. The house next door however was a an abandoned hurricane house with the windows gone and the roof in sad repair but at least it had a roof.
New rental property with shutters closed

The house next door

Lots of abandoned stone buildings

We passed Grandma’s Goodies a few times but it was never open

A map of the Island on the wall at the plaza. We are the very south part on the Island above what looks like the whale's tail on the left hand side.
The view from the beach at Rock Sound with the Boatel at anchor. Notice no other boats around us!

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