Sunday, October 24, 2010

Trump Marina in Atlantic City

BSDM at Trump Marina in Atlantic City
Oct 23 Wonderful cruise out of NY Harbour and down to coast. The winds and waves were light as predicted. We took off layers of sweaters and put the sunscreen on. Weather was great till dinner time and then the waves period was too short causing the waves to be very choppy.We decided to abort our over night crossing from NY to Norfolk Virginia last night We pulled into Trump Marina (in a very badly lit channel) in the dark. Sunday morning we will revisiting our plans and checking weather. As the adventure continues..

Oct 24 Had to open up all the windows on the back deck because it was too hot for breakfast. Put on sunscreen, tshirt, shorts and flip flops on to wash down the boat this morning. Heading up Delaware Bay today as soon as we replace the impeller for the genny that fried because something (foreign) was in the hose stopping the water flow. Thank God Captain Teddy can fix anything. We will anchor tonight somewhere on Delaware Bay depending how far we get and then head out bright and early (unless there is fog) to cross the C & D canal to Cheaspeake Bay. We will be in Chesapeake Bay about 3 days before we get to Norfolk, VA so we will have limited if any access to email once we leave here today. I will fill in some details next time I blog.

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