Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Getting closer to the departure date

As we begin to count down the days till October 1, 2010 when we depart, we are both getting really excited and tire from the long days and endless to-do items. The good news is the list is getting shorter, although some days it seems like we are adding more items than removing! Did a presentation for OBBC last night and share our passion for boating and cruising with other interested boaters.
We are starting to collect craft and school supplies for the kids and teachers in the Bahamas.  We look forward to seeing their smiling faces in a few months. We'll also be collecting supplies at our going away party this Friday. I also picked up a picnic table kit to build on the beach in Georgetown. It was something Ted promised to do the last time we were there. We'll carve our name in it and leave it for others to enjoy!

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