Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas in the Bahamas

Christmas in the Bahamas.
I awake to the sound of the waves lapping gently against the side of the boat.  I’m home but it does not feel like Christmas so I dig out the Christmas light, don our Santa hats we install lights along the railings.  For the next few nights our anchorage comes alive with Christmas lights on the neighbouring boats. I hang our Christmas stocking and make Ted’s favourite short bread cookies. On Christmas Eve we dinghy to the north part of the anchorage to enjoy a Christmas Eve service and  carols around the campfire.  We prepared the turkey on the BBQ for our cruisers Christmas luncheon on volleyball beach.  One hundred and twenty five people gather at the picnic tables on the beach to share a Christmas meal together. What an amazing way to make new friends from far and wide.
Rather than try to catch up with the time that I have missed during the break in my daily writing, I will simply mention some of the highlights and move to the present.  Even though we have been in the Bahamas for almost a month now, I walk upstairs and look outside a window and the color of the water takes my breath away. I go outside before I go to bed and look up at the millions of the stars in the sky and I can’t image being anywhere else right now. I look outside my window at the neighbouring boats and consider myself extremely fortunate to be living in the midst of this floating community. 

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