Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Swimming with the dolphins

A few years ago Ted drew a birthday card for me with me in the water swimming with the dolphins. It was a dream of mine and in fact after seeing the movie the Bucket List, it was put on my Bucket List. On sunday we were heading out to go spearing when I spotted the dolphins in the dinghy beside us. I made Ted go back to the boat and I hopped into the water and swam over to them. When I swam back to the boat to get the underwater camera they followed me. Ted captured the next picture from our boat of me in the water with Nicky and her baby and then I got a great picture of the baby. What an amaze thrill for me. Ted joined us in the water as we dove and swam with these wonderful creatures.
Diane in the water with the dolphins

 picture of the baby coming to play with me underwater.

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